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The Home of Reflective Supervision        

In-Trac brings its expertise to the realm of corporate training with a wide-ranging portfolio tailored to meet the needs of organisations in various industries. With our specialised team of trainers, we offer a comprehensive selection of courses designed to enhance your organisation’s knowledge, skills, and performance. Whether you are seeking training on essential topics such as Leadership Development, Effective Communication, or Conflict Resolution, or require specialised programs in areas like Ethical Decision Making or Diversity and Inclusion, In-Trac has got you covered.

Our corporate trainers possess extensive experience both as practitioners and educators, ensuring that the training we deliver is not only insightful but also practical and applicable to real-world business scenarios. We understand that each organisation has unique training requirements, which is why we are committed to providing tailored solutions to address your specific needs. If there is a specific topic you require training on that is not listed in our extensive catalogue, we invite you to reach out to us via phone, email, or our website. Our team will be delighted to discuss your requirements and work with you to develop a customised training program that aligns with your organisation’s goals and objectives.

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Our Corporate Courses

D/deaf Awareness and a brief introduction to British Sign Language

In the UK one in six people have some level of hearing loss. This means that you are likely to meet people who are D/deaf on a daily basis. This course is aimed at individuals and organisations who want to develop their understanding of D/deaf awareness, gain skills to improve their communication and improve their organisation’s accessibility.


The purpose of one day session is to introduce participants to the concept of neurodiversity, what that means for our practice and how we can make our services more accessible and our interaction with neurodiverse customers more engaging and productive. The course will include information on areas such as Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Including Asperger’s Syndrome), ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia amongst others and will allow discussion on what these conditions mean for those experiencing them, but also what we can do to engage with and be more engaging for our neurodiverse customers/clients

Mental Health First Aid (Accredited)

The brand new 2023 two-day certificated programme for candidates to become Mental Health First Aiders, certified by MHFA England aims to allow participants to gain an awareness of Mental Health disorders, the different types of mental disorder, the causes of mental disorder, and the symptoms to look out for and actions to take. The course will identify the statistics of mental health disorders, it will cover suicide and self-harm and how to support someone with suicidal ideas or carrying out self-harm. It will enable participants to have the skills and confidence around mental health disorders, how to support someone who may have a mental health disorder in seeking the appropriate help and will endeavour to put mental health on the same footing as physical health in the workplace.

Intersectionality Awareness

In this session we will be exploring what intersectionality is, some of the key concepts and principles and what we can do to take an intersectional approach when working with people

Challenging Conversations & Conflict

Difficult subjects with colleagues and clients is often a daunting prospect for many. People sometimes avoid conflict situations where they need to deliver bad news or where they fear that there will be an adverse reaction to an assertive or critical message. Yet few things are as impressive in business as the ability to discuss difficult issues with honesty, clarity, and integrity and to deal in a fair and objective way with the powerful emotions that inevitably arise. This course aims to provide participants with the skills and confidence they need to develop this vital skill set.

De-escalation – A Proactive Approach to Conflict

This one-day conflict awareness and verbal response training session helps participants to develop their insight into the reasons why we may encounter conflict in the workplace. In this De-escalation - A Proactive Approach to Conflict Training course we share simple and effective strategies for creating and maintaining safe working practices and environments.

Recruitment & Selection (Legal)

This half day session is taken from a full day practical skills course that is primarily designed around equipping line managers who are actively involved in recruiting and selecting employees with the knowledge and skills to hire employees in line with UK employment law. In addition, the full day course takes a deeper dive into issues of conscious and unconscious bias in hiring managers that can impact the selection process and put a business at risk from claims of direct and indirect discrimination under the equality act.

Recruitment & Selection

This course is primarily designed around equipping line managers who are actively involved in recruiting and selecting employees with the knowledge and skills to hire employees in line with UK employment law. In addition, it takes a deeper dive into issues of conscious and unconscious bias in hiring managers that can impact the selection process and put a business at risk from claims of direct and indirect discrimination under the equality act.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – for Managers & Team Leaders

This course is designed to show and help team leaders understand their responsibilities to ensure that the workplace is one where all risks are minimised from cases of sexual harassment occurring. To do this, the trainer will get team leaders to explore and understand what is expected of them under company policy and UK law as well what is expected of them as part of their legal duty of care towards their teams. The session will help them understand what actions to take where they see inappropriate conduct taking place or if they receive a complaint directly. The session will also seek to dispel notions that there is a difference between banter and sexual harassment in the workplace as well as look at how our own psychological biases can influence and inadvertently support a culture where harassment can happen.

Substance Misuse

This course will equip individuals working with people experiencing drug misuse issues, with an increased knowledge of current trends of drug and alcohol use and the most commonly used drugs and their physical and psychological effects. There will be a significant focus on New Psychoactive Substances, formerly known as Legal Highs, in terms of their effects, legality etc.

Drug & Alcohol Awareness

The misuse of alcohol and drugs is a significant problem that affects not only individuals and families, but also the workplace. This course will help employers and organizations across different sectors to develop good practice in all aspects of alcohol and drug related issues.

Providing Reception Services

The receptionist plays a key role in promoting the image of the business and ensuring that external and internal stakeholders are linked to the right person quickly and efficiently. They are very often the first person that an external customer will speak to or see so it is vital that the person fulfilling this role is; Knowledgeable about the organisation. Understanding of the structure of the Trust so they can direct queries and questions to the correct person or department. Able t0 make and receive telephone calls using the organisation’s codes of practice and correct telephone etiquette. A strong communicator – possesses active listening skills and emotional intelligence Adaptable and resilient In possession of excellent time management skills Empathetic – Actively interacting when greeting internal clients i.e. children to help reduce anxiety and make them feel comfortable.

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