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The Home of Reflective Supervision        


This programme is a full comprehensive practice-based day covering the key contributions that social care practitioners will make when working within the CHC National Framework (2022). It explores the statutory expectations in relation to completing the CHC checklist and engaging in the Decision Support Tool (DST) meeting, its correlation to the Care Act (2014) and the importance of keeping the person at the centre of the process. The training is supported by pre-session activities for delegates, a comprehensive workbook comprising all slides, case studies and a reflective tool for use post completion of the course and beyond. The Programme The programme begins by looking at the background of the CHC National Framework to enable delegates the opportunity to understand the importance of working within remit of legislation. This entails an overview of the key benchmark cases that have contributed to the development of the National Framework. In the pre-session activities set, delegates are offered the opportunity to explore these cases independently to enable a more thorough understanding. An overview of the National Framework is provided, including key changes following the revision of 2022, and highlights the key principles and core values which underpin it to enable delegates to mindfully apply them during the process. The main part of the day is centred around providing participants with the opportunity to undertake a detailed examination of the CHC checklist and a domain-by-domain study of the DST. Following provision of information from the trainer, small group exercises are undertaken which consists of cases studies and a breakdown of the checklist and DST to enable consideration of the main features of each process. This includes exploration of ancillary and incidental support, the four characteristics of the presenting needs of the adult, and the importance of analysis, presentation of explicit facts and appropriate evidence to support professional judgement. There is opportunity for reflection after each small group activity which enable participants to consider the key things required in working towards ‘best practice’. The day concludes with an overview of National guidelines in relation to process after the DST meeting.

Who is Applying the Continuing Healthcare framework in social care practice aimed at?

Adult Social Care Staff

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this one-day programme, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the National Framework 2022 (including key updates)
  • Recall the key principles of assessment of a primary health care need, decision-making, including well managed need.
  • Be aware of how ICBs should engage the individual and their representative effectively to promote confidence and empower them to contribute effectively.
  • Apply the CHC checklist, prepare for and attend a DST meeting.
  • Identify best practice within CHC processes.
  • Understand the importance of robust information and evidence-gathering.
  • Be aware of national guidance for dispute resolution between agencies.
  • Understand how Section 117 interacts with CHC.


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